Jun 27Liked by Maggie Alderson

The real hoot is when you arrive to do something super exciting in theory at somewhere you’ve planned , which is also the key thing that you’ve jigged other stuff around, and boy your planning was pretty off. You either could have bypassed it, or need 3 more days! And, the unplanned bit, of course, is always the highlight! Exciting, not knowing how it’s going to roll.

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My usual approach is just to set off, with nothing booked...I’ve had some amazing experiences doing that and some very odd ones! But I’ve taken advice that you really can’t do that in the Highlands, unless you are willing to risk sleeping in your car some nights.

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A dear friend always says that a truly marvellous holiday is broken into three enjoyable parts. The dreaming and planning, the actual having and then the warm remembrance. So take your time on the delicious planning portion!

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That used to be the case with photographs: taking the photo; poring over the developed photo; doing it again when putting them in an album

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Agreed.. all the most irritating « adjectives « and phrases.. if I hadn’t put on a lousy 2 kg( only!) I’d be re wearing great clothes I bought 25 years ago.. buying recycled is such a « thing « now.. it’s getting harder for the average gal who likes to shop within four walls to find the good.. and especially if one prefers non luxe brands.. it seems the demand for big names is so great the retailer prefers these.. or is it that the truly beautifully made , no big name label pieces ( think many Italian garments)are being kept in the closet by their wise owners ?

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I lost 10 kilos two years ago and I have a whole new (old..) wardrobe as a result. I did the Fast 800 diet (vale Dr Mosely...) and going to the gym regularly, I;ve kept most of it off. It was life changing.

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That’s great! Im afraid I can’t follow diets.. I’m a cook and food lover.. I tried that diet and cookbook and didn’t like it. I eat what is déscribed as an ancestral diet.. grow a lot of my own too.Yoga and Pilates 5 times a week.. I stopped going to the gym after 30 years of doing so.. simply not burning the calories as much now .. ho hum..

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